The components can be bound to the store using the
hook from thecreate
Pass a selector
function to select some or all store values.
The components are re-rendered only when the selector values changes.
const state = useAppState(s => s)
Slicing multiple values
You can select multiple values from the store.
const { a, b, c } = useAppState(s => ({ a: s.a, b: s.b, c: s.c }))
Selecting values to an array.
const [x, y] = useAppState(s => ([ s.x, s.y ]))
Computed Properties
Your components can watch
for the computed
props from the store.
const { useAppState } = create({ user: { firstName: 'First', lastName: 'Last' } });
const fullName = useAppState(s => (s.user.firstName + ' ' + s.user.lastName))