Creates a global store with the given initial value.
create<T>(initialState: T): {
useAppState: <ST extends T, RT>(selector: Selector<ST, RT>) => RT;
setAppState: (val: SetStateVal<T>, replace?: boolean) => Promise<void>;
api: {
/** Returns the current state */
get: () => T;
/** Merge or replace values in the state */
set: (val: SetStateVal<T>, replace?: boolean) => Promise<void>;
/** Resets the current state to the initial state */
reset: (newState?: T) => void;
/** Subscribes to the state, called on every state change */
subscribe: (lf: ListenerFn<T>) => () => boolean;
/** It removes all listeners */
destroy: () => void;
The hook
function, used to bind components to the store and expects a selector
The selector
function to select some or all store values.
const state = useAppState(s => s)
const {a, b, c} = useAppState(s => ({ a: s.a, b: s.b, c: s.c}))
const [x, y] = useAppState(s => ([s.x, s.y]))
Pass an object for flat updates. The values will be merged
into the store.
const { setAppState } = create({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });
setAppState({ b: 5 })
Pass a function to update deep state values.
The function can be Sync
or Async
const { setAppState } = create({ some: { deep: { obj: { count: 0 } } } });
setAppState((s) => { s.some.deep.obj.count++ })
The store API object with all the methods to access, change, subscribe and reset the store.