Updating the Store

The store can be updated using the setAppState function from the create function.

The React components expects the state updates must be immutable.

This lib lets you update the state in a mutable way to avoid manual merging like using the ... spread opertor.

The store can be updated in two ways:

Passing an object

You can pass an object for flat updates. The values will be merged into the store.

const { setAppState } = create({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });
<button onClick={() => setAppState({ b: 5 })}>

Passing a function

You can pass a function to update the state deeply.


The function can be Sync or Async.

const { setAppState } = create({ some: { deep: { obj: { count: 0 } } } });
<button onClick={() => setAppState((s) => { s.some.deep.obj.count++ })}>

Internally, the deep state updates are done with the help of immer (opens in a new tab) lib.


The deep updates must follow the immer Update Patterns (opens in a new tab) and should be aware of these pitfals (opens in a new tab).

Replacing the state

To replace an object instead of merging, pass true value to the second argument of the setAppState().

const { useAppState, setAppState } = create({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });
const keys = useAppState(s => Object.keys(s))
console.log(keys); //=> ['a', 'b', 'c']
<button onClick={() => setAppState({ a: 0, c: 5 }, true)}>
console.log(keys); //=> ['a', 'c']